Footprint turned into a cute tractor. If you are wanting extra writing then name and age of child will be written around the tractor.
All writing will be done in black. Please pick your print colour from the colour plate.
Pottery Options
1st image - 25cm Coupe Dinner Plate
2nd image - 20cm Coupe Side Plate
3rd image - Square Coupe Plate
4th image - 30cm Rectangular Serving Plate
5th image - Panel Photo Frame
6th image - 25cm Rimmed Dinner Plate
7th image - Jumbo Mug
Maximum Ages for Footprints:
20cm Coupe Side Plate - 1 and a half years
25cm Coupe Dinner Plate - 2 and a half years
Square Coupe Plate - 2 and a half years
30cm Rectangular Serving Plate - 1 and a half years
Panel Photo Frame - 1 month (2 prints) 1 and a half years (1 print)
Jumbo Mug - 2 and a half years
Price includes all decoration, firing and glazing.
Please note that this item is only available for nursery/toddler/baby groups where we have arranged a date to visit. If you are wanting to make this design then please head to our bookings page and book a print session.
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PriceFrom £23.00
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