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Proposing with pottery: ‘bowl’ em over!’ – 20th March

will you marry me

We’re all big slushy softies at Crafty Monkey and love nothing more than a spot of romance! That said, there’s nothing more fitting that the fact that it’s ‘World Proposal Day’ to make us gush and get all silly.

We’re fortunate enough to have been party to several marriage proposals…sadly enough nobody has asked to us come along to a romantic dinner and jump out of a giant cake with an engagement ring, however, we have commissioned a few of pieces of pottery for customers who wanted to pop the question via a plate or a bowl decorated by our own fair hands! We’ve also had a fair few people create their own ‘pottery proposal pieces’.

Happily, if you wish to propose to your other half, you’re not restricted to one day of the year, but it’s a lovely sentiment to celebrate that special date annually.

If you’ve got any proposal stories, from slushy to outrageous- do share them with us on our Facebook page as we love to hear about a happy ending!

Proposal bowl


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