What an awesome Olympics London 2012 is proving to be! Not only have we managed to build an impressive Olympic Park which hopefully does it’s bit for urban regeneration in the East of London, but we put on a pretty awesome Opening Ceremony which kicked off the games in great style.
As if that was not enough, Team GB has definitely done us proud and seem to be storming many different sports picking up all colours of medals left right and centre in sports where GB traditionally are not strong. It’s also a great feeling to know many of the medalists are from our region and even from our town – Well done Robbie Grabarz from St. Neots who took Bronze in the High Jump and Louis Smith from Huntingdon who was so so close to the gold but graciously took a silver medal for the Pummel Horse.
We have also seen some other awesome GB athletes that really do make you feel proud that they are British. Two ladies that stood out to me, both gaining gold and making Olympic history are Nicola Adams, the first ever Gold for Women’s Boxing and Jade Jones who did a sterling job of scooping gold for Taekwondo – both girls came across so graciously, such lovely girls and they really deserve their medals!
Well done Team GB – you rock and have made us proud!
It was also great watching Bolt get the 200m – it seemed the whole stadium temporarily changed their nationality to Jamaican for that 19 seconds!
One way a local school got their pupils excited about the impending Olympics while also marking this momentus occasions os London 2012 was by painting a tile mural which will become a permanent feature of the school.
The younger children were given a country who are taking part in the Olympics and the older children were given an Olympic sport. The children then went onto drawing their design on a piece of paper.

Crafty Monkey then went into the school armed with pottery paints, brushes and a stack of tiles and after an explanation about how to paint pottery the children got underway to recreate their drawings onto the tiles and I must say the results were very impressive.
Pre glazed and pre fired tile
Some of the children also painted the Olympic rings onto tiles and London and 2012 on another tile.
Back at the studio, we wrote the name and year of each child on the tile before glazing and putting through the kiln. The finished tiles were delivered back to the school for an eager DIYer who is on the school PTA to attach the tiles to a board and mount. This beautiful mural will become a permanent feature of the school to be admired for years to come.
Here’s a picture of some of the tiles put together in the studio – the finished mural is sure to look great! Spot the tile with Bolt on!
Tile murals are great projects we can take into schools, clubs, groups and the theme could be anything. It really is a great way to mark an occasion!
What idea’s do you have for a mural?