Are you getting into the Olympic spirit? We are!
Cambridge, Huntingdon and St Ives have been announced as three of the places through where the Olympic Flame will be carried as part of the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay Route and will arrive in Cambridge on 7th July, there’ll be celebrations as part of The Big Weekend on Parkers Piece in the evening before Early the Flame will make its appearance in Trinity College’s Great Court (featured in the Chariots of Fire film) and recreated by Sebastian Coe and Steve Cram in 1988).
Before leaving the torch’s visit to Cambridge would not be complete without a ride on a punt! The Flame will then depart for St Ives and then Huntingdon. At Huntingdon it will be visiting the Olympic Gym – now named Huntingdon Gymnastic Club, which is home to many Olympic hopefuls. The next stop is Bedford and the flame will be passing by St. Neots so will be within a mile or two of Crafty Monkey!
Check out the Olympic website and local news for more information.
Are you getting into the Olympic spirit? This week Newton Primary School in Eltisley have been doing just that with all the children painting tiles that once glazed and fired will be put together to make a big tile mural to be displayed in the school as a permanent feature for years to come.
The younger children have painted a flag of a country that will be partaking in the games and the older children have painted an Olympic sport with some children painting the infamous Olympic rings which will make up the centre piece.
The kiln has been working overtime this week to process the tiles and I must say the results are rather impressive and every child that has taken part should be extremely proud of their efforts and what’s great is that perhaps in the future if their children go to Newton school they will be able to marvel on a piece of art their parents created! Congratulations Newton Primary school on a great project that has really engaged and excited the children.
If you feel inspired by Olympic fever that is sure to build and build over the coming weeks then you could always come to Crafty Monkey and paint your own commemorative pottery piece. I am planning on painting the above on a plate for the window display so am looking forward to that.
Another way to get your children in the spirit is by letting them make their very own Olympic mascot with our Build a Bear workshops where your child can pick an animal, we have a large range of different animals from Apes to Zebra’s and we will guide them through the making and adoption process – it really is a lot of fun, and includes designing the animal a personalised t-shirt with our fabric pens, we have all the colours of the Olympic rings so maybe that could be the design?
Or if your child has a build a bear already they could always come shopping at Crafty Monkey for a suitable Olympic outfit that most represents the sporting category they are supporting. We have a varied range from Basketball to Karate so your furry friend needn’t miss out on looking the part!
If you really can’t stand the Olympics and you are over it before it has even begun, why not escape for a while. Let the other half hog the TV and come down to the Studio and relax and escape. Our adults only Thursday nights are perfect for that. Why not host an Olympic Widows night? Bring your girly friends and grab a bottle of wine and pop along.
And if you are going to watch the torch relay or are lucky enough to see the Olympics, then please take Charlie, our travelling monkey, with you. I am sure he would enjoy, no wait, I know he would enjoy that very much and we would love to see the pictures of him having fun. Charlie has his own Facebook page where people post pictures of what he’s been up to – Like his page to be kept up to date on his shenanigans! You could even be a Crafty Monkey guest blogger telling us all about the Olympic adventures you and Charlie got up too.
Are you doing anything to celebrate the Olympics? Or are you even one of the lucky one’s to get tickets?