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Do your Bit and Ditch the Plastic!

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you’ll be aware of the current concerns about the amount of plastic that the UK currently produces and wastes every year.

The plastic bag charge has been in place for almost a year now and has had some considerable bearing upon usage and wastage. The government are now currently addressing the issues surrounding the remaining production and disposal of other plastics.

275,000 tonnes of plastic are used each year in the UK. That is around 15 million bottles per day which are classed as ‘single use’ and then thrown away. Between eight and twelve million tons of global plastic waste ends up in the ocean and this is obviously a huge threat to our ocean wildlife.

While a long-term solution is being debated by the government, what can we do to do our bit? Well, obviously, plastic bottles and coffee cups are a fairly big deal in terms of our disposable receptacles.

This affects all of us and we can all make small changes to help out. We can help you to do your bit for the environment at Crafty Monkey as we have a range of mugs and cups for you to choose from. Come along and paint one, collect it a week later and ‘voila’, you have yourself a ‘forever mug’ and can feel a bit chuffed with yourself!

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Call us on 01480219222 to book yourself an appointment and take a small step towards ditching the plastic and saving our seas!

While we’re on the subject of being more environmentally friendly, another way is to use planet friendly utility companies for your electricity and gas and don’t think that it will cost you more.  There’s a new company out there called ‘Pure Planet’ – they bring you fresh, clean energy for less than the price of power that pollutes. All their electricity is renewable, created by water, wind and sunshine and their gas is carbon offset. You win. The planet wins.  What’s more if you sign up to them through this link then you will get a £25 Amazon Voucher! Worth seeing if you can save yourself some money while gaining some great Eco Warrior points!

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14 ago 2021

Hi, thanks for posting this.

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