We, at Crafty Monkey, are very excited to announce a brand new style of session aimed at toddlers and pre-schoolers called 'Storytime & Paint'!
We've been wanting to introduce these sessions for a while where the children first read a story and then they paint a piece of pottery that is relevant to the story they've heard - if you've been to Crafty Monkey you'll know we have an extensive range of pottery so can tie in lots of stories!
Both activities are not only fun but also very educational and brings lots of great benefits to your child!
The benefits of reading to your little ones are endless, from helping them learn about important topics and vocabulary, to the one-to-one time and attention to building their self-esteem, lending itself to relaxation, happiness and fun.
Painting and being creative has much of the same benefits as reading, such as building their imagination and confidence, so there really is no better pairing of activities for a creative event for your little ones.
We also thought what better time to kick it off than in the lead up to Christmas with a festive story! While we could read the story in-house we decided a collaboration with the lovely Emma Page from Storytime with Molly would add to the experience. Emma is passionate about books and particularly about starting to read to your baby from an early age! She has a lot of practice as she reads to her daughter Molly who is two. Her passion on this subject is so much so it led her to set up her business selling the well-esteemed Usbourne Books! Many of you may already know her as she has a following on Instagram and her Facebook page and if you don't then pop over to her accounts to learn more and see some of the fabulous titles in the Usbourne range.
Between us, we picked the classic festive tale The Night Before Christmas - well it was Emma's suggestion and because we do a really cute mouse footprint plate from an excerpt from the story, we knew it was the perfect fit!
Emma will be talking all about these benefits in the Storytime session and will also bring along some books if you should wish to put an order in - books make great gifts and stocking fillers! Among her books Emma has a range of baby books - because reading to babies is also extremely beneficial! The baby books are mainly black and white which, according to tinylove.com is said to stimulate the developments of optic nerves thus teaching the eye muscles and brain to coordinate and function properly.

Because we know reading to both children and babies is great stuff, we'll be hosting two events, one where your little one's get to paint so is suited more for ages 18 months to 4 years and the other is more for mum's of babies who want to learn about the benefits of reading and also enjoy a nice festive tale with their baby and have our popular mouse plate made from their footprint. We recommend this session more for babies but the plate will fit a footprint up to 17cm long so is open to toddlers too!
For the teeny tiny ones, after the story, we'll be coming round to get their little footprints on a plate for us to turn into our popular Night Before Christmas plate! Then for the older ones, they'll get two Christmas Decorations, a Santa and a Rudolph, to paint for themselves with the option to upgrade to also have a Night Before Christmas plate. In both sessions they'll also get a Christmas First Colouring Book worth £3.99 from Emma!
Emma will also be on hand with a range of books to talk to you further about suitable books and you'll be able to place an order if you wish but no pressure!
We really hope this will make a great activity to get you in the festive spirit in the lead up to Christmas! Plus the plates and decorations make a fantastic present for Grandparents and family; wink wink, nudge nudge.
We even have a special offer if you get in quick! Use code EARLYBIRD for £3 off - ends 31st October, www.mycraftymonkey.com/workshops
Please share this with friends who you think will be interested. There's limited spaces though so grab your tickets before we sell out!
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