I think the most exciting thing (well to me anyway as I am just a big kid) to happen is the birth of Crafty Monkey Jnr!

Meet Charlie Jnr...
He is just so cute, supersoft and very cuddly. Charlie Jnr, although only a young monkey, loves meeting new people and really wants to get out and explore the world.
If you are going on any adventures or you want Charlie to come and live with you and your family for a weekend, a week or a longer period then just get in touch. It doesn’t cost you anything, you just need to provide pictures and let us know what Charlie is up to. He has his own facebook page which you can go to which will let you know what Charlie is up to – if you LIKE it then you will be updated with his travels in your news feed.
Do you want to borrow Charlie the travelling Crafty Monkey for the weekend?
Customers have been very kind and invited Charlie to go on adventures with them already. At only a day old, Charlie packed his suitcase and went off to stay with Jenna. I visited Charlie after his first night at Jenna’s as he had forgotton to take his t-shirt only to find him out for a pub meal sat on his own chair! Jenna was doing a great job of looking after him and was certainly giving him lots of hugs.
First stop Singapore before hitting Perth Australia
The next day Charlie left with Jenna and her family for Singapore where he will be doing sightseeing before off to Perth Australia! What a lucky monkey, his first trip away from home and it’s downunder!!!
Charlie was slightly disappointed I forgot to pack his surfers outfit but I’m sure he’ll find lots of other things to do instead.
Jenna’s mum Joanne has already posted pictures on Charlie’s facebook page of Charlie at Heathrow and Charlie on the plane getting ready for his first time in the air!
Next stop – Somerset
Charlie is going to be one tired monkey because as soon as he arrives back in blighty he’ll be heading down to cider country with Lewis and Leyton. Lewis loves monkey’s and both boys are very excited to have a new friend to take on holiday with them. Not only will Charlie be going away with the boys and their mum but they also built a bear – well actually a gorgeous black cat at Crafty Monkey who was named Sooty. Sooty is a bit of a rock chick and has the latest rockers outfit with pink cowboy boots. Charlie has yet to meet Sooty but I’m sure they will get on fine.
Perth again but this time in hopefully sunny Scotland

Christopher in his kilt destined for Scotland with his new sister Angel
After having a quick rest when arriving back from Somerset, Charlie will be heading up to Perth in Scotland with his best friend Christopher. Christopher the Bear was also made at Crafty Monkey and he recently came in to buy himself a kilt outfit especially for his trip to Scotland. He also bought himself some new trendy trainers. Christopher’s mum has also recently made a purple bear called Angel to keep Christopher company and she will be going away with the boys! I hope she can keep up with them.
Charlie the travelling Crafty Monkey was made using one of our build a bear no sew kits at Crafty Monkey and we even made him a special t-shirt with the Crafty Monkey logo on. |We sell all sorts of bears and animals including outfits so check it out at www.makeabearkidsparty.com If you would like Charlie to come on adventures with you then get in touch by emailing info@mycraftymonkey.com or call 01480 219222. You can also LIKE him on facebook or check out his diary.